I can't believe how busy the last month or so have been, unfortunately (or maybe it IS actually fortunate..) not so much going on in the online earnings world for me. Few posts to do and not much else happening other than an Adsense payout which is always nice. Technically it came in March (March 1st) so I won't include it in this months meagre total.
In the non-internet world, I have a cracked rib to follow on from the broken arm (yes, football again..), and I am a good way into refurbishing the small office we have at home - my main job is very busy at the moment so it's probably just as well I don't have too much to do in the online world...
At least things are still ticking along. I hope you feel better soon - I didn't realise football was so dangerous!
one of our players got a compressed cheekbone fracture last week, and now I have a damaged ligament in my left ankle too.. still playing tomorrow though..
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