Friday, 10 December 2010

Winter Illness

The real big drawback to Winter is not so much the cold weather, as the propensity to get a really unpleasant illness on the run-up to Christmas, or even worse, over Christmas itself.
In the past I have been unwell as soon as the holidays start, this time I have got in early... I started with a heavy cold for just over a week, this then developed into raging flu (apparently likely to be a swine-flu variant) which I have now had for four days. All this would be bearable, if other Winter incidents hadn't come calling at the same time...

Burst pipes! I have never had a burst water pipe before, I have had joints that leaked or pipes that I accidentally nailed or screwed, but never yet a burst pipe.. That all changed a few days ago when I was virtually comatose in bed trying desperately to blank out the world to be alone with my flu. A hot water pipe in the kitchen ceiling burst and I had to drag myself out of my sick bed to rip down a section of the kitchen ceiling and isolate the pipe. Not a job to relish at the best of times, especially not when in the midst of a flu fever, raging headache and sundry other debilitating symptoms...

All fixed now, testament to what we can do when put to the test...!

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