Monday, 18 January 2010

Ebay still rocks...

Despite all those who are less than complimentary about eBay, I have to say that I have had a couple of bargains lately and cannot say enough about what a great service it is. Sure, they charge for all transactions and sometimes you don't get as much as you would like for your old cast-offs, but all-in-all I believe eBay provides a great service to buyers and sellers alike.
This is of course helped by the fact that so many online earnings are paid via paypal, so spending on eBay is a bit like spending monopoly money - For the most part it never goes anywhere near my wallet or bank account.
Sadly my old 3.2 megapixel camera died, and I got another from eBay in really good condition for £5.50!! I also bought a brand new 2GB MP3 player for £6.99, and whilst it is no iPod, it certainly does the job and is a really nice item.
I think as long as you are sensible and thoroughly check out sellers, that eBay can be an invaluable part of anybody's life. I certainly buy more than I sell, but on the occasions that I have sold items, transactions have generally been smooth - I have ended up with a few quid in my pocket and a bit more space in the loft... I like the way that eBay has evolved and improved over time and will continue to use it as long as it is there...

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