Friday 20 February 2009

I crossed the line..

I got carried away, I actually spent some money out of my own pocket.... I was looking for a CPU upgrade for my main desktop and got involved in an eBay bidding fracas which extended beyond my Paypal means. I had to raid my current account to fund my purchases, all for a measly extra 400Mhz processor speed. I am now torn between going the whole hog and buying another motherboard (one that will hold 4GB as opposed to my current 2GB max) or raising enough funds to pay something back into my current account.
After the purchase, I checked my Paypal this morning, and would you believe it? I have been paid £20 overnight (thank you 'TheAdNetwork') and that would probably have been enough to cover the excess...
I think I need to be more disciplined and maybe see if the replacement CPU works, then I could put some money back into the bank before waiting until my earning are sufficient for a new mobo... I am not a patient man....and can ill-afford to be spending money made in the 'real' world when my Paypal money dries up.

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