They seemed to relax their rulings a little after the great 'google slap' where, let's face it, having PPP on your blog was the main reason for losing PageRank. Presumably at that point PPP lost a lot of blogs and relaxed the rules to try to pump the numbers back up. I doubt whether many of the blogs that left have yet gained their PR back, but that's another story...

Due to the rate of paid posting on this blog generated by PayU2blog, PPP have deemed this to be against TOS and munny4hunny is no longer a PPP participant. Is this fair? Yes...why not their money, their rules. In the words of a well-known UK comedian: Am I bovvered? Well, I was a bit put out, but I am making very little from them and now at least I don't have to worry about their TOS and about placing the IZEA rankings code on my blog signalling to Google loud and clear that I am a paid blogger and don't deserve any PR!
Talking of IZEA, I don't know what you have found, but I have not found it to be a welcoming experience more of a totally confusing one, and couldn't even be bothered to do the one opp I was offered which was to post about how great IZEA is... I can see how they are trying to combine a social experience with paid posting opportunities, but the result is a site which honestly does neither thing terribly well - I have found other paid posting sites to be easier to use, and I have found other social sites to be better for finding like-minded acquaintances.
I hear what you're saying about ppp, and I really love payu2blog too - they are piling me up with assignments faster than I can say WHOOT! and each one feels like a gift because it's like instant money. Kinda like when grandma puts a $10 bill in your birthday card, except that its like getting 10-15 birthday cards a week! Bizarrely, what I've found is that because my blog qualified for ppp around the time of the 'slump' I haven't found a decrease in ppp available postings, but it really chaps my backside when I have to then post 'other' stuff inbetween ppp's because of their TOS. Also, I noticed in their 'rules for blogging' section (where you insert your url for approval) it doesn't actually say that you can't post back to back sponsored posts, it just says that you can't do back to back PPP posts. However, when I used a payu2blog post (no disclosure badge, just the linked keyword in the body of mypost) they were snarky and denied the post. I also had not used any tags saying, payu2blog etc. Anyway, I'm avoiding PPP for a few days while I catch up on my payu2blog assignments anyway - I think my readers appreciate the less obvious links.
I like the way that PayU2Blog let you loose to write whatever you want with only the one link. What narks me is that PR is still a BIG factor in whether you get an assignment in PPP, but it was association with PPP that lost us all our PR in the first place... I have made more than $100 or so a month with PPP in the 'good old days' - pretty difficult to do that now. PU2B is better for regular income without having to post yourself silly. If I had no qualms about doing posts for gambling and endless posts for loans I could have earned a lot more with PPP...
I agree with you. PayU2Blog are not offering me as much work as they used to, but I am still very happy with what they are paying me and am enjoying writing their short posts.
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