Monday 7 April 2008


For those who have fallen foul of Google Adsense TOS and had their accounts closed, other schemes such as Bidvertiser and Adbrite are mooted as replacements, but how do they compare?? Well I can't use Adbrite because as far as I am aware, they only relate to US sites, and am UK-based, but I have tried Bidvertiser.
I got frustrated with supposedly contextual ads from Adsense persistently showing non-related ads, so I removed my main Adsense banners probably about a year ago and replaced it with Bidvertiser. Initially earnings were extremely slow and then just were non-existent bringing in a total of about $1.30 in 12 months. I left a single Adsense banner at the top of my blog during this time which has brought in nearly ten times as much.

I have found Bibvertiser awkward to use, each ad has to be constructed for each different site in a way that does not lend itself to be widely used across a number of sites in the same way that you can with Adsense.
The upsot is that I have forgiven Adsense for showing non-contextual ads and reinstated them as my advertising banner of choice in my sidebar. there was no way I was ever going to reach the $10 payout with Bidvertiser, so they can keep their crummy $1.30 and I for one will bid them Adios!
I am about to be paid out my second adsense payment for 2008, so I am more than happy to put my advertising eggs in a single basket (please note that the vast majority of my adsense earnings do NOT come from blogs!!). If you're considering an alternative, my advice is only do it if you have been dumped by adsense. Once again, Google is the Daddy...


Linky Love said...

Bidvertiser does pay me every month :-)

Adbrite I also used (and I am not US based either, my server is...), but they only send cheques and paypal Bidvertiser is so much more convenient.

Got a WP plugin question for you Jay over at, thanks for checking it out.

jay said...

Glad to hear someone is getting patience with Bidvertiser has expired...maybe if I didn't have the Adsense option, I might have been more interested in making it work

Rachel said...

I tried Bidvertiser for a while and did not find it paid me very much either. I did not trial it for very long and son went back to Google.

jay said...

Obviously Linky likes it, but I was underwhelmed...

Linky Love said...

Thanks Jay for dropping by and updating your url :-)

Well, I do promote a Bidvertiser affiliate sign up, so... putting Adsense is not really "showing what you are preaching".

Paypal is practical when you change address, overseas changes with Adsense are a pain to get your cheque to your new address.

And Adsense now also uses the Bidvertiser idea: put your code once and change the look and feel in your general account. For static websites that is really great!