- You get paid weekly!!
- You have 72 hours to claim an opportunity
- You may post your opinion, you are not required to endorse any product or service
- Minimum 150 words, maximum 400 words per post
Initially there were just three opportunities available, but a fourth one appeared this week, and I remain hopeful that other opportunities will be offered. I have been paid for the first weeks 'work' so can report that much at least.
This month has proved that as far as earning potential is concerned, no other service can get near PayPerPost in my opinion. Even for a PR2 blog like Munny4Hunny, there are new opportunities every day ranging from $5 to $15. If you have a PR6 blog, earnings can be in the hundreds for a single post...
Blogsvertise appears to have all but dried up for this blog at least.
I am new to Bloggerwave, but at the moment, I have completed three offers and no more have appeared - but I can report that they have paid out and the money is sitting in my paypal account...
My one other source of income that I have not really talked about until now is an online survey company. Ciao pay out in £GBP, they send me surveys by email, I fill out the survey and cash rewards are credited to my account. This did not yield anything for the first couple of weeks, but then the surveys started coming in. It has proved a useful additional income which doesn't take as much creative brainpower as paid to post. Most surveys start with a few questions to determine whether you are a suitable candidate, and I qualify for about half of the surveys I am sent. The payouts are small but not a bad return for minimal effort. For ease of comparison, I have assumed an exchange rate of $2US to £1GBP. They also offer opportunities to do product reviews but I haven't really worked out how this works yet...
I will add the latest paid to blog schemes to the 'quick search' in the side bar and look forward to posting actual earnings for May 2007 very shortly...
How long did it take for the money to show up in your account for your bloggerwave postings?
bloggerwave opps completed 8th,9th and 12th May - paid to paypal on 30th May
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